Month: May 2015


Loran Swanson    Uncategorized 

I had rarely been in a church until I was in high school,.  This didn’t mean my spiritual house was not in order.  My father was very strict, especially in religious matters. The reason I hadn’t been in any church was because we didn’t have one in our community.  What we had was country high…continue reading »

A Christmas to Remember

Loran Swanson    Uncategorized 

Of all the Christmases that I remember in more than eighty years, several have left an impression that have stayed with me for a lifetime. One in particular, and maybe the one that has had the greatest impact, occurred when I was eight years old, on Christmas Eve, 1937. I don’t think I have ever…continue reading »


Loran Swanson    Uncategorized 

May always had a great influence over me.  No, not the lady, the month.  It was the beginning of life for another year when everything was fresh, green and young.  It somewhat reminded me a little of myself – another chance for a new beginning in trying to do something right or at least a…continue reading »

Things You Learn About Genealogy

Loran Swanson    Uncategorized 

Before making the decision to explore your genealogy, take into consideration that if you go back far enough, you more than likely will encounter information that can be disturbing, eventful and surprising. For me, a surprise discovery is that way out on one of the branches on our family tree, (a twig actually) you find…continue reading »

In the Evening by Moonlight

Loran Swanson    Games 

A full moon was so welcome. The chickens might not have liked it but I could shoot baskets until it was time for me to go to bed.  On the south side of the chicken coop, I had fashioned a back board out of scrap wood and slats taken from our beds.  By taking one…continue reading »

The Old Oak Table

Loran Swanson    Uncategorized 

We always took all of our meals, breakfast, dinner and supper, in the dining room.  Our kitchen wasn’t large enough to allow the seven members of our family to sit around the “Old Oak Table.”   We always sat in same chairs and same place.   I was always seated beside my mother.  The table was round,…continue reading »

A Purchase to Remember

Loran Swanson    Games 

It was early in the month of December, 1957.  I was in Japan, nearing the finish of my five and a half year tour of duty in the  U.S.Navy.  Wanting to buy a few gifts for friends and family back in the states, I was shopping in the ships store in Yokosuka.  Several items filled…continue reading »

A Country High School

Loran Swanson    Games 

I had left home before dawn arriving early, just as I had done many times while I was in school so I could play football before classes began.  The sun had just cleared the horizon, casting shadows through the low hanging fog that drifted over an area that once was the most beautiful place I…continue reading »

Do you think it was right that the leaders of Germany and Japan were put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity but those in charge of dropping the atomic bomb and other allied powers were not tried?

Loran Swanson    Military 

How can you compare War Crimes committed by the German and Japanese leadership against humanity, with the leadership of America? German leadership sent 13   to 17 million innocent people to gas chambers who had done nothing wrong to warrant this action.  Just because they were Jewish, 5 to 6 million were sent to gas chambers….continue reading »


Loran Swanson    Military 

The name Louie Zamparini probably doesn’t ring a bell with very many people today, unless you are a real sports nut.  In the middle thirties Louie had become a world class distance runner and probably would have been the first person to break the four minute mile.  His sights were set on the 1940 Olympics…continue reading »