Category: Food


Loran Swanson    Food 

With the wind blowing snow across our yard, looking out a window that was frost covered about half way up and seeing a heavy gray sky was actually a sign of beautiful things to come. Looking into the kitchen my mother, in her apron, was standing in front of an old black cast iron stove…continue reading »


Loran Swanson    Food 

Like so many mothers of the depression, my mother had the ability to make something so wonderfully delicious, even when it first appeared, the cupboard was bare.  Often when I had ran the three miles home from school, my empty stomach would be growling as I searched the cupboard for something to tide me over…continue reading »

A Pizza Party Like No Other

Loran Swanson    Food 

After two hours of tennis, I stepped off the court, salty sweat dripping from my face, feeling good about a  strenuous 7-6, 7-5 hard fought match with friends.  Heading for the club house, something began feeling  unusual on the upper left side of my chest so I sat down, resting for a while, thinking some…continue reading »

Graveyard Stew

Loran Swanson    Food 

So what is it? The standard recipe is lightly toasted bread with a generous spread of butter served in a shallow bowl with steaming hot, fresh, whole milk poured over the top. Doesn’t sound good? Have you ever tried it?  Or maybe you know someone like my grandma, who did not like her false teeth,…continue reading »

What’s for Dinner?

Loran Swanson    Food 

Unless you grew up on a farm you probably would be thinking dinner as being the evening meal.  It was only 10:00 AM and several hours of hard work were behind us.  Supper was still about eight hours away.  Dinner for us was a hearty meal served at noon with a lunch break around 9:30,…continue reading »

Yesterdays Menu

Loran Swanson    Food 

I didn’t know we were poor.  Most young children don’t.  The 30’s were some of the most difficult times in our recorded history.  But I can’t recall of ever being really hungry. If you could choose one food that you would have to eat every day, what would it be?  For me, I think I…continue reading »