Category: Games

In the Evening by Moonlight

Loran Swanson    Games 

A full moon was so welcome. The chickens might not have liked it but I could shoot baskets until it was time for me to go to bed.  On the south side of the chicken coop, I had fashioned a back board out of scrap wood and slats taken from our beds.  By taking one…continue reading »

A Purchase to Remember

Loran Swanson    Games 

It was early in the month of December, 1957.  I was in Japan, nearing the finish of my five and a half year tour of duty in the  U.S.Navy.  Wanting to buy a few gifts for friends and family back in the states, I was shopping in the ships store in Yokosuka.  Several items filled…continue reading »

A Country High School

Loran Swanson    Games 

I had left home before dawn arriving early, just as I had done many times while I was in school so I could play football before classes began.  The sun had just cleared the horizon, casting shadows through the low hanging fog that drifted over an area that once was the most beautiful place I…continue reading »