Grammar Punctuation Transitions General Notes Tribute

A Tribute to our Instructor, Kelley See

Don’t you see, Kelley?  Writing seems to be a lot like genealogy, there’s research, reviewing, verifying and a few dead ends.

There is the expected, grammar, spelling , and punctuation’s do deal with but bringing paragraphs and sentences together for continuity and making stories interesting, might be the most challenging.

Tilting a story is not that difficult but how do you choose the right word to begin your story or paragraph or just a sentence?

It’s caused some sleepless nights, tossing and turning, not being able to get ideas out of my head, because, if you don’t know what you’re doing, how do you know when you are finished?

Since I began this writing course, my wife is always complaining that I never listen to her… at least that’s what I think she said!

You didn’t say it was going to be easy… but, then again, you didn’t say it was going to be this hard… either.

When the inspiration is there, as memories return and reliving them in my mind, the tears of joy inside the heart, can be such a beautiful feeling.

So for a novice like me, where do I turn?

You still have lots of work to do, don’t you Kelley See.
